1st Symposium: ENvironmental cHANges, Conservation biology, and Evolution - ENHANCE

1st Symposium: ENvironmental cHANges, Conservation biology, and Evolution - ENHANCE

LINK: https://www.molecularphylogeneticlab.it/events/

The meeting will assemble international experts to present the latest findings and diverse perspectives on the processes acting at all levels of biological organization.
The morning session will deal with conservation biology to understand how genetic biodiversity is crucial for species resilience.
The afternoon session will focus on the role of transposable elements in shaping genomes and regulatory networks to allow species adaptation.
The two sessions will be opened by invited speakers.
1st Symposium presented by DISVA, Univpm

Prof. Maria Assunta Biscotti (President)
Prof. Adriana Canapa
Prof. Marco Barucca
Dr. Federica Carducci
Dr. Elisa Carotti

Abstract submission and registration for presenter: April 15th
Registration for not presenter: June 10th

LINK: https://www.molecularphylogeneticlab.it/events/