PhD-position in Neurobiology of Animal Navigation
PhD-position in Neurobiology of Animal Navigation
(65% E13 TV-L)
starting from June 1st, 2023 until end of 2026 in Oldenburg, Germany.
We offer the opportunity to become part of our highly multidisciplinary collaborative research centre „SFB 1372 - Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates“. 16 different projects from scientific disciplines covering quantum mechanics and biophysics via biochemistry, molecular biology and neuroscience, all the way to behavioral biology and genetics aim to discover how vertebrate navigation and magnetoreception work.
The position You are applying for is embedded in the subproject Neu04 of the collaborative research centre SFB 1372 ( The PhD candidate will be part of the research group "Animal Navigation" led by Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen ( and supervised by Dr. Dominik Heyers at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
The aim of the project is to investigate the sensory correlates underlying magnetoreception in night-migratory songbirds. As a potential candidate, you will be using neuroanatomical techniques, such as immunohistochemistry, microscopy, neuronal tract tracing, microsurgery and analyses of stimulus-driven activation patterns in the brains of migratory birds. To a smaller degree, the project might include behavioural experiments. On top, you will have the opportunity to perform state of the art imaging techniques, such as DTI and resting state fMRI together with our close collaborators at Ruhr-University Bochum. The position is ideal, if you are interested to work with birds and want to perform neuroscientific experiments on an exciting question in an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers.
Your Qualifications
What we offer
SFB 1372 is hosted by the University of Oldenburg and includes colleagues from the Institute of Avian Research Wilhelmshaven, Ruhr University Bochum, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Oxford and Weizmann Institute of Science Tel Aviv. You will become part of a large diverse team working closely together on related questions and you will have access to a very wide range of superb modern equipment, techniques and expertise.
In addition, you will become part of our SFB 1372 research training group offering soft and scientific skill courses, lectures as well a mentoring programme and support with career development.
Family and scientific career is supported by us and all involved institutions. We are aware of the power of diversity. In order to increase the percentage of female faculty and staff members, female candidates with equal qualification will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification
How to apply
Your application should include a letter of motivation, a detailed CV, a list of publications, names and phone numbers of at least two personal references, university and high school certificates.
Please send your application as a single pdf-file to Dr. Dominik Heyers (, University Oldenburg, Postfach, 26111 Oldenburg. All applications received before the end of February, 2023 will be considered.
(65% E13 TV-L)
starting from June 1st, 2023 until end of 2026 in Oldenburg, Germany.
We offer the opportunity to become part of our highly multidisciplinary collaborative research centre „SFB 1372 - Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates“. 16 different projects from scientific disciplines covering quantum mechanics and biophysics via biochemistry, molecular biology and neuroscience, all the way to behavioral biology and genetics aim to discover how vertebrate navigation and magnetoreception work.
The position You are applying for is embedded in the subproject Neu04 of the collaborative research centre SFB 1372 ( The PhD candidate will be part of the research group "Animal Navigation" led by Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen ( and supervised by Dr. Dominik Heyers at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
The aim of the project is to investigate the sensory correlates underlying magnetoreception in night-migratory songbirds. As a potential candidate, you will be using neuroanatomical techniques, such as immunohistochemistry, microscopy, neuronal tract tracing, microsurgery and analyses of stimulus-driven activation patterns in the brains of migratory birds. To a smaller degree, the project might include behavioural experiments. On top, you will have the opportunity to perform state of the art imaging techniques, such as DTI and resting state fMRI together with our close collaborators at Ruhr-University Bochum. The position is ideal, if you are interested to work with birds and want to perform neuroscientific experiments on an exciting question in an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers.
Your Qualifications
- Completed scientific university studies (diploma (Uni) / Master) in biology, neuroscience or veterinary medicine
- Experience with standard immunohistochemical techniques
- Experience in animal navigation and magnetic sensing mechanisms would be desirable
- Intrinsic motivation for a career in academia, high levels of enthusiasm, motivation and the ability to work effectively as part of an interdisciplinary team
- Willing to do project-related stays at our collaborator´s place in Bochum (costs will be covered)
- Fundamental understanding of Statistics and experimental planning
- Good spoken and written English
What we offer
SFB 1372 is hosted by the University of Oldenburg and includes colleagues from the Institute of Avian Research Wilhelmshaven, Ruhr University Bochum, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Oxford and Weizmann Institute of Science Tel Aviv. You will become part of a large diverse team working closely together on related questions and you will have access to a very wide range of superb modern equipment, techniques and expertise.
In addition, you will become part of our SFB 1372 research training group offering soft and scientific skill courses, lectures as well a mentoring programme and support with career development.
Family and scientific career is supported by us and all involved institutions. We are aware of the power of diversity. In order to increase the percentage of female faculty and staff members, female candidates with equal qualification will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification
How to apply
Your application should include a letter of motivation, a detailed CV, a list of publications, names and phone numbers of at least two personal references, university and high school certificates.
Please send your application as a single pdf-file to Dr. Dominik Heyers (, University Oldenburg, Postfach, 26111 Oldenburg. All applications received before the end of February, 2023 will be considered.