BENTACS - BENthos TAxonomy CourseS - Taxonomy of Polychaetes

BENTACS - BENthos TAxonomy CourseS - Taxonomy of Polychaetes

he Marine Organism Taxonomy (MOTax) core facility has launched a series of International Summer Schools (BENTACS - BENthos TAxonomy CourseS) focused on the taxonomy of the main groups of zoo-benthos from soft-bottom communities in the Mediterranean Sea. The courses will target in particular researchers and technicians from scientific institutions and from national/regional environmental agencies interested in the study of benthos biodiversity and ecology. A combination of lectures and microscope sessions will provide participants with a general theoretical framework and practical experience.

The 1st MOTax course will provide an advanced training on the taxonomy and identification of Polychaetes. It will be held at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples on 26-30 October 2020. The course will be focused on specific families of the largest class of annelids selected based on their ecological relevance, including species for which the taxonomic identification is particularly challenging.

Participants will be guided by expert taxonomists into the examination of preserved collections from different Mediterranean regions, as well as into the identification of their own samples. The course will offer an opportunity to discuss new challenges and perspectives into the fields of Polychaetes taxonomy and ecology.

Theoretical lessons

- ecological role of Polychaetes

- general aspects of Polychaete biodiversity, species complexes, cryptic diversity

- alien species

Pratictal lessons

- criteria for species identification in the following families:

Sabellidae, Sabellaridae, Serpulidae, Aphroditoidea, Eunicidae, LumbrineridaeOnuphidae, Capitellidae, Magelonidae, ParaonidaeSpionidae, Cirratulidae, Glyceridae, Nepthydae e Terebellidae

- alien species 


Maria Cristina Gambi (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy)
Adriana Giangrande (Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy)
Joachim Langeneck (Università di Pisa, Italy)
Marco Lezzi (Arpae Emilia-Romagna - Struttura Oceanografica Daphne, Cesenatico, Italy)
Melih Ertan Çinar (Ege University, Izmir, Turkey)

The course is open to 20 participants with documented experience in taxonomy and identification of polychaetes


Applications: 1 April -  15 May

Participants will be notified by 15 June

Registration and payment are due by 30 June

Fee: 450 euro per person (coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner included)

ORGANIZERS: Paolo Fasciglione, Rosanna Guglielmo, Luigi Musco, Diana Sarno
