Ultime notizie da Bela Galil sulle specie alloctone provenienti dal Canale di Suez

Ultime notizie da Bela Galil sulle specie alloctone provenienti dal Canale di Suez

Dear Colleagues,

For those of you lucky to spend the summer away from the lab, in fieldwork or vacation, the news this summer have been of the highly venomous lionfish spreading in the Mediterranean Sea.
Of course we know that it is but one of hundreds of Erythraean species that entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal – but it takes something both beautiful and menacing to "excite" the interest of the media.

Our colleagues keep spreading the word – please check the article from our Maltese colleague, the OCEANA blog, and please contact YOUR local media (& send me the resulting publications).

My best wishes
Bella Galil
